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Casual Consumption No. 8


OK, guys, I’m really stuck here. I can’t seem to get through Magic for Beginners. It took me like 2 months or something to get through the second story and once I got over that hump, I couldn’t really get into the third one. The first story, “The Faery Handbag,” was so, so good and unfortunately, I thought that that was going to be the case for the others. They’re not bad, but they’re confusing and not interesting enough that I would plod through the confuzzling muddle.

I’m steadily making progress with Howl’s Moving Castle, but in other confusing news, I can’t read very far into the latest Percy Jackson/Heroes of Olympus book (hi, yes, I’m still reading those) because I totally can’t remember how the last one ended for the Jason group of heroes.


I recently finished rewatching Stranger Than Fiction, which is still so, so good. Whoever thought of pairing off Maggie Gyllenhaal with Will Ferrell was a genius.

Oh, oh, oh! HOW AMAZING WAS THE HOBBIT: THE BATTLE OF THE FIVE ARMIES. UGH. I took notes in the dark and at first I was like, “Whoa, whoa—this is getting a little indulgent” (I got over it) and then there was TAURIEL, ruiner of everything, who got more screen time than some of the dwarves, how? Sorry, but her existence makes me feel like the ~revolutionary~ development of Legolas & Gimli’s friendship was kind of moot. I have many more spoilery thoughts and feelings so I think I will write a review/fangirl account of my experience.


UGH, I’ve had it up to here, Mindy. I really, really do not like the direction this show is taking. That’s all I’m going to say about The Mindy Project. (Unless you ask me to elaborate.)

I have one more episode of The Newsroom left, and even though I followed it to its bitter end, I kind of also didn’t really like where it was going… so, I guess this demise was better than letting it stretch on. I mean, does anyone else besides me, Marga, and actual newsroom people even watch this anymore?

I’m super lost re: Pretty Little Liars, though I am constantly delighted by every new episode of Jane the Virgin that comes out.

Art Shows

I have been going to quite a few and not writing about them fast enough to post or get you all to see them! There’s Book Ends at Blanc (up until January 3, 2015), The Mona Lisa Project at Solaire (up until January 15, 2015) which I posted about here, and a few more that I am hoping to see before the month ends.



I also managed to catch Elaine Navas’ Painting Palettes/Palette Paintings at mo_ on its last day. I’m waiting on photos from Sarie, since I only got to use my phone, but here’s a photo of it that I posted on Instagram:

A photo posted by Carina Santos (@presidents) on


I’ve been making my sister make me tea lemonades when she makes one for herself. Does that count?


Okay, so when I was in grade school, I was a super mega dork. The times have not changed. But anyway. One of my favorite things to do was scrapbook. I kind of fell out of that habit, because of journaling… and that is an expensive hobby to have when you live on allowance. Anyway, I kept on hearing about this Project Life thing and finally, I couldn’t take it anymore—I placed an order on Life Documented Manila (I’m paying tomorrow!) and I can’t wait for my stuff to get here. One of my 2015 resolutions/goals is to pay attention to life more and to document it more. (More on resolutions later.)

Another obsession is my Midori Traveler’s Notebook. I mean, if that wasn’t already so obvious. LOOKIT:
Midori Travelers Notebook - Brown - Field Notes

And I think that’s that? I’ve been wanting to make more mixes again, but I just keep listening to the same things over and over. Let me know if you’d still want those back?

Let me know what you’ve been loving lately. :)

See Casual Consumption No. 7