All posts tagged: capsule reviews

2017 Qtr. 1 Book Roundup

I had this post—a book roundup for the first quarter of 2017—scheduled for today*… Clearly noted down with a more optimistic view of the amount of books I’d have read in 2017. Well, my friends, it turns out that I’ve only finished four (3 in January and 1 in March!) in that period of time, […]

Capsule Reviews No. 7

Hoping to finish these posts before the year ends! I’ve reached the halfway mark, so I’m a little happy about that! MAY (PART 2) For the first half of May Reads, please refer to this post. 19— After Eden by Arnold Arre * I lent someone in high school my original copy of After Eden […]

Capsule Book Reviews No. 3: February 2015

I finished reading eight books in February (one was a graphic novel, one was a coffee table book), which means that I’ve caught up on my 2015 Reading Challenge! 0 to 8 books in 28 days is kind of pretty good, yeah? I haven’t done one of these posts in quite a while. I put […]

Casual Consumption No. 9

OK, I'll admit it: this is going to be a mishmash of things that have been “casually consumed” in the most general sense of that phrase. So, instead of only ultra-specific articles of pop culture, I'm going to mention a few other things (you'll see what I mean as I go along). Ahem. FILMS Aside […]