All posts tagged: 10 happy things

10 Happy Things Vol. 7

It’s been a few months since my last 10 Happy Things post and to be honest, it’s mostly because I keep forgetting to do this on Fridays. I remembered today, and even though I don’t feel the best at the moment—something that’s kind of common practice ’round these parts I guess—I think it’s nice to […]

(Late) Friday’s 10 Happy Things Vol. 6

So I thought about forgoing this week’s 10 Happy Things, because it’s late and a lot of 1D-related happy!things happened since I last updated. It felt a little “Oh no, not again!” But when you happy and you know it, make a post about it, yeah? * I also heard some shitty-ass news, so I […]

Friday’s 10 Happy Things Vol. 5

Wasn’t planning on writing a post today, but it’s a rare Friday during which I don’t feel like hiding from the world as much as I usually do. Carly Rae Jepsen. In general, plus a multitude of things. Bea was nice enough to buy tickets for me, Chard, and Zaxx so that we could all […]

Friday’s 10 Happy Things No. 4

This list meme/exercise was made for days like the past few days. Which is to say they have been shit. My So-Called Direction — basically the best, like, low-key AU/crossover of all time Archie #1 — which is, I feel like, the start of something amazing. I already love Fiona Staples’ work, so this was […]

Friday’s 10 Happy Things No. 3

Another Friday, another list. I didn’t get to make one for last week because I was at the beach. Freshly shorn hair especially when you do it yourself so it costs nothing. x Dinner with high school friends, Pam, Tata, and Apple — I know it’s not the case for everyone, but I honestly had […]