All posts tagged: one direction

The Sunday Currently Vol. 27

Reading I’m currently in the middle of a lot of texts, but for fiction I’m chewing on the second book from The Raven Cycle (by Maggie Steifvater) and Can’t and Won’t by Lydia Davis. I just finished Kim Gordon’s Girl in a Band and wow! Just. Wow. I absolutely loved seeing things from her perspective—her […]

Mix: September

Posted as promised yesterday, although this is super late since I tend to post “month mixes” on the last days of the previous month. Oh well. Sorry? I still listen to this mix a lot anyway, so I suppose it still counts as current. Just a few songs; I haven’t been very exciting musically lately […]

MIX: Which Direction?

A little disclaimer: These aren’t necessarily my favorite One Direction songs. A lot of my favorites are the super poppy ones, some are the kinda Eurotrashy ones, but I tried to think of radio-friendly ones that haven’t gotten a lot of airplay, necessarily. So there’s no “No Control,” “What Makes You Beautiful,” “Live While We’re […]

Mix: August

Yet another confused mix from me to you. These are a lot of songs I listened to, leading up to August. It’s really confused, but. You know, I’m a little confused as a person, so it’s not all that surprising, I guess. LISTEN: Spotify I don’t have time to upload a zip file of the […]