All posts tagged: 35mm

On Florence’s Streets

in which i take one last look at florence, the city Here be the last of Florence pictures; that is, aside from the Radiohead show at Parco delle Cascine that we were able to catch. That was an experience in itself—both good and bad—but I won’t get ahead of myself. The thing about Florence is […]

Hong Kong Half-Frames

in which i reveal to you my may hong kong trip in little trickles The sun has completely risen by the time I’ve finished enough work so that I won’t feel as guilty updating this thing. I have horrible backlog, but I’m trying to tell myself that it doesn’t matter that it’s become its stale […]

Leaving Estimations

adventures with the repaired & cleaned Nikon FM2 Self-portrait, aka motivation to get rid of those calves. Maybe when I’m not busy. Lately, most of my ventures into film photography involve just finding enough light and clicking. The LC-A+ has four distances you can choose from, and a lot of my other film cameras only […]