All posts tagged: survivor

The Sunday Currently Vol. 15

Hello! I’ve been refraining from posting The Sunday Currently “volumes” because I didn’t want this blog to be a TSC graveyard. I wanted to post one today, though. So there. I deleted some categories, just a heads up! Reading I’m actually not reading a lot of things at the moment, just a few articles here […]

Casual Consumption No. 12

These are too few and far in between, given the rate I actually consume stuff, but I think that instead of increasing the frequency of these posts—a promise I make every time and fail to deliver—it would make much more sense to dial down on the watching and reading and such and actually take the […]

Casual Consumption No. 11

This is going to be short-ish, as I haven’t really been doing much indulging with watching and reading and listening to things. Compared to my usual allotment, that is. What can I say? The thirst is real, and so I hustle. Ahem. Movies My sister wanted to watch Comet with me, so I obliged. Aside […]