All posts tagged: zayn malik

Casual Consumption No. 13

There is another dumbass, inconsiderately noisy party* next door—as most parties are, I suppose, though I wish I had neighbors with better music taste—and fittingly enough, my nerd self is sat down in front of a computer screen, typing away on a blog post about Star Wars and other stuff, one cool Friday night in […]

The Sunday Currently Vol. 27

Reading I’m currently in the middle of a lot of texts, but for fiction I’m chewing on the second book from The Raven Cycle (by Maggie Steifvater) and Can’t and Won’t by Lydia Davis. I just finished Kim Gordon’s Girl in a Band and wow! Just. Wow. I absolutely loved seeing things from her perspective—her […]

(Late) Friday’s 10 Happy Things Vol. 6

So I thought about forgoing this week’s 10 Happy Things, because it’s late and a lot of 1D-related happy!things happened since I last updated. It felt a little “Oh no, not again!” But when you happy and you know it, make a post about it, yeah? * I also heard some shitty-ass news, so I […]