All posts tagged: television

(Late) Friday’s 10 Happy Things Vol. 6

So I thought about forgoing this week’s 10 Happy Things, because it’s late and a lot of 1D-related happy!things happened since I last updated. It felt a little “Oh no, not again!” But when you happy and you know it, make a post about it, yeah? * I also heard some shitty-ass news, so I […]

Casual Consumption No. 12

These are too few and far in between, given the rate I actually consume stuff, but I think that instead of increasing the frequency of these posts—a promise I make every time and fail to deliver—it would make much more sense to dial down on the watching and reading and such and actually take the […]

Casual Consumption No. 10

Before anything else, I’d like to invite you to check out a feature of my Project Life life over at Life Documented Manila’s blog! Get a peek at some spreads of my Project Life 2014 Highlights album, and a bit of it into my process, but not really. If you’d be interested in a process […]

Casual Consumption No. 6

I haven’t had much time to “consume” many things, just because I’ve been all over the place, but I thought I’d make a quick update anyway. Knowing me, it will probably not be as short as I think it will be. Books I have been reading Kelly Link’s Magic for Beginners, a short story collection […]

Casual Consumption No. 3

It’s been so long since my last Casual Consumption post that it makes no sense to back track and list everything I’ve casually consumed since then because it would be a pretty freaking long post filled with boredom and grief. (Mostly yours.) (source) Film I just watched Guardians of the Galaxy last Sunday and it […]