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The Sunday Currently Vol. 30


Currently reading a manuscript that has brought me to tears at least twenty times in the course of my reading it. I can’t wait for it to finally be out, to be honest, though of course, I’m still in the process of reading it.

In personal reading-list news, I’ve been (slowly) going through the books I’ve started reading before opening any other books — so, I recently finished Episodes with Wayne Thiebaud, which are essentially transcriptions of conversations with the artist, and also Aziz Ansari’s Modern Romance, which I started listening to in March — but, I’ve also started dipping into The First Collection of Criticism by a Living Female Rock Critic by Jessica Hopper, which has proven to be a really great read so far.


I have a few things drafted that are due next week, but I’ve also been trying to keep a list of things I want to write about, because I tend to forget my ideas. I think I’ve been wanting to be more deliberate in documenting thoughts and events — my mind has truly been scattered in the past years; don’t know why — so, I’ve been trying, but the reflex to take down what might be important in the future is not so strong just yet. But yes, trying.


I’ve been listening to a lot of old music I love, due to a tweet meme I didn’t anticipate would go on for as long as it’s been going, but I’ve mostly been listening to Julien Baker’s Sprained Ankle and Chance the Rapper’s Coloring Book, which probably don’t seem like they would go together very well. But both have been, um. Thematically-appealing to me, but more words on that later.

If I get around to it.


(Just kidding, I will.)

Both albums are on Spotify: Julien Baker’s Sprained Ankle | Chance the Rapper’s Coloring Book


Currently catching up on a lot of Supergirl I missed, kind of. I’d marathon it, but I think I have to spend my Sunday working on projects I should be finishing… Heh.


So, today’s the Philippines’ Independence Day. I have conflicting feelings about this — not necessarily about whether or not we deserve freedom (because we do), but if we have actually had it, if we still do. A Filipino’s relationship with the Philippines is, more often than not, complicated. This thought deserves more words, but I don’t have a lot to spare right now.


I’ve been a little obsessed with my perfume loot from Radioactive Mushrooms in the Forest, a shop by Wiji where she has been making perfume oils and natural sprays, among other things. I managed to ask her if she had any of her older scents in stock, and she had two of the three I was looking at. I like layering them, mostly applied on my pulse points—they help clear my head.

Although it’s not pictured here, I’ve been enjoying Mornings, too—it’s a natural perfume spray that smells like “a blend of coffee and oranges,” and there’s just something about it that I don’t think I’ve smelled before (not that I am particularly well-versed in the olfactory world).

(In the middle of writing this, I ended up lighting a candle by them, too! Hehe, like I said: obsessed.)


For peace, alas.


I’m not too anxious right now, so I’m mostly hoping for things to carry on not giving me anxiety, heh.


Mostly Julien Baker. To be honest.


I’m looking at some pretty rings; they’re raw crystals and set in copper. So pretty. It’s been an ordeal to try to consciously purchase and go against my hoarder ways, but I’m trying not to buy more than I need.


To be more responsible with money.


A little lightheaded, and also the onset of a very, very slight feeling of panic. So much for my hopes!


Love Letters: Hannah Reyes and pretty substantial proof that love is real
Julien Baker on Being Queer, Southern, Christian, and Proud

The Sunday Currently was originally created by SiddaThornton