All posts tagged: the sunday currently

The Sunday Currently Vol. 37

Reading I’m reading a couple of things at the moment, though I’d like to report that I’ve finished two books recently: Heather Havrilesky’s How to Be a Person in the World (finally!), which I thought was good but also went on for a bit too long. IDK, I’m a fan, but I think maybe advice […]

The Sunday Currently Vol. 36

Just checking in, sort of. Been mostly busy with work stuff and moving into a new room stuff, and most of my free time is spent watching t.v. while trying to figure out this painting thing. I loved reading about Wayne Thiebaud’s process with his art, which is basically more of an experimental, process-based practice […]

The Sunday Currently Vol. 35

Reading I have not been having luck in the reading department at all. I didn’t finish any books in February, but I’m hoping to remedy that once I get some deadlines out of the way. I will say, though, that I still haven’t picked up Yanagihara’s A Little Life from where I left off (about […]

The Sunday Currently Vol. 34

I haven’t done this in a while, since I haven’t had a lot of time or motivation to finish uploading all the backed up posts I’ve wanted to do (which I know I shouldn’t be pressured to put up, and I’m not—hello, Taiwan visit 1 and visit 2, you are still nowhere to be found—but […]

The Sunday Currently Vol. 33

Reading Working my way through the books I’ve put on hold, but recently, I finished three books! The Argonauts by Maggie Nelson, The Amazing Adventures of the Escapist Vol. 1 by Michael Chabon, and A Room of One’s Own by Virginia Woolf—which I started back in March. Eep. A photo posted by Carina (@presidents) on […]