All posts tagged: life lessons

25 Things I’ve Learned So Far

This is a list slated to have been posted when I turned 26, a few weeks ago. I spent my birthday on board a plane, and then shaken (angrily) awake for a surly dinner—sorry parents!—in Chicago, at a restaurant where they made their garlic bread with truffle oil. Suffice to say that I have been […]


in which my obsessive consumption of popular culture is merged with meager insights. One day, Bia posted this on my best friend’s Facebook wall, and tagged me. And I watched Sarah Kay, over and over, as she performed two beautiful poems. In between, she talks about how she got started doing performance art, and how […]

Synchronicity & Transcience.

I’m not really one to believe in destiny or serendipity or the stars aligning in my favor. On the rare occasion that I do allow myself the thought, it almost always bites me in the ass. However: I mostly enjoy the idea of it. I’d like to think that sometimes, synchronicity does occur, and whether […]