All posts tagged: life lately

Life Lately No. 9

Yesterday, I met up with Bea and we were both talking about how much we missed reading blogs and writing in our own blogs (lol) and about how what we enjoy most is when people get sort of unscripted and somewhat personal in theirs. Following my last post, which was another one of these life […]

Life Lately No. 6

Thought I’d revive this update format last visited in 2015, which I feel is already very self-explanatory. (Yes? Okay.) In case you were wondering about my life for some reason, lol. I am still working on my MRes (which is a research masters, but basically I say MA in conversation to keep things simple), but […]

Life Lately No. 5

Been a while since my last post & my last Life Lately post… Is this what it feels like to be truly busy? Like, I know I keep saying I’m busyyyy, but I guess I was never really in a position of busy-ness that left little room for the Internet. I mean, could you imagine […]

Life Lately No. 4

OK, so I obviously don’t go out that much. I suspect that a big reason why my skin is so clear is because I stay in my house about 80% of my week. When I’m out for a long time, my skin freaks the frak out. Anyway, I’m going to type random things because I […]

Life Lately No. 3

Hello! Just popping in to say nothing of substance. Yet again. I never thought to make “life lately” a series on this blog—because that’s what blogs are supposed to be like, right?—but I noticed that there are just some things that are hard to categorize. Lumping things that don’t make sense together, that’s my motto! […]