All posts tagged: blanc gallery

Casual Consumption No. 6

I haven’t had much time to “consume” many things, just because I’ve been all over the place, but I thought I’d make a quick update anyway. Knowing me, it will probably not be as short as I think it will be. Books I have been reading Kelly Link’s Magic for Beginners, a short story collection […]

Blanc Gallery

November Shows at Blanc

I was going to work my way backwards, but then I figured that it might be better to just post this first, since the other shows I have photos of in my back log are over already anyway. Makes little difference if I post this up first! On November 15, three solo shows opened at […]

First of July:

I don’t know why it feels a little weird updating here. Honestly, it doesn’t feel the same! But I still want to post stuff, because not posting feels even stranger. So, I kicked off the month with actual progress on my (secret) monthly goals. They are not actually secret goals; it’s just a list that […]

Another Sunny Afternoon

in which i tell you how much i like quiet days and good conversation. sort of. I get so excited and I’ve got nothing to regret It sure beats sitting, I know I’m stuck inside watching television Cold coffee and stale cigarettes — “Another Sunny Afternoon” by Nickel Eye I like laid-back days. The last […]