All posts filed under: Travel

Viva Las Vegas: 2014

A short post on our mid-LA stint in Las Vegas last October. Every time I go there, I always have to ask myself: “What are we doing here?” We don’t gamble or watch a lot of shows (though I kind of wish we went to go see Britney Spears), but we do have some family […]

Los Angeles

Staying in LA felt kind of like staying in Manila—just with a lot less fear of getting mugged, if you can believe that. I was never really a big fan of the so-called City of Angels, but I suppose your relationships with places depend on what you do in them, who you meet, and where […]

MoCA, LA: October

MoCA (Museum of Contemporary Art) was considerably smaller than all of the other museums we’ve been to in the US, and I think it might have been the last one we visited, if I recall correctly. My cousin, Christina, actually kind of gave us a disclaimer to not expect much, since we had been to […]