All posts filed under: Books

Three Things No. 8

Today, we’re going to be doing this by some sort of theme, which is: stuff I have enjoyed or moved by that was made possible by women of colour. Amazing theme as any, I say. It’s still going to be a bit of a jumble of things… which is okay, I think. I contain multitudes, […]

Three Things No. 4

Right, so three things I am into at the moment, with this post written as an extension of procrastination. We had a “degree show” on Saturday afternoon (I wish I was joking: it is literally one day from 12:30 p.m. to 5 p.m. because we are ‘not technically part of MA fine art’) and then […]

2017 Qtr. 1 Book Roundup

I had this post—a book roundup for the first quarter of 2017—scheduled for today*… Clearly noted down with a more optimistic view of the amount of books I’d have read in 2017. Well, my friends, it turns out that I’ve only finished four (3 in January and 1 in March!) in that period of time, […]