Month: September 2015

The Sunday Currently Vol. 24

Reading Still in the middle of S, which I’ve woefully abandoned, but I’ve started on Maggie Steifvater’s The Raven Cycle (first book’s The Raven Boys) because I found a rumor that it was based on 1D fanfic. The rumor turned out to be false, of course—M.S. reblogged my unwitting self and exposed me as a […]

Mix: September

Posted as promised yesterday, although this is super late since I tend to post “month mixes” on the last days of the previous month. Oh well. Sorry? I still listen to this mix a lot anyway, so I suppose it still counts as current. Just a few songs; I haven’t been very exciting musically lately […]

Life Lately No. 5

Been a while since my last post & my last Life Lately post… Is this what it feels like to be truly busy? Like, I know I keep saying I’m busyyyy, but I guess I was never really in a position of busy-ness that left little room for the Internet. I mean, could you imagine […]