Hello! I haven’t done this in a while—and it’s kind of embarrassing that this is only VOLUME TWO—you should pity the fool, who in this case is me.
I dipped back into Sophia Amoruso’s #GIRLBOSS, which I abandoned a while back, and am starting to get into the meat of Peter Mendelsund’s What We See When We Read, which is a beautiful object, book content aside. Recently, I finished John Williams’ Stoner, which was tragic and beautiful and something I’ll probably write about… soon ish.
Just journaling for now, but I want to write something substantial soon. Ish. HAHA I AM A SAD SACK, SEND HALP.
I am on a The Drums hangover again. I recently saw them in San Francisco, luckily snagging cheap re-sold tickets on Craigslist (thank you, Ben!) and I can’t get them off my mind.
What L.A. is like these days. I haven’t been since 2008.
Commodity Book, which is my leftover smell from yesterday, which I don’t quite understand because I took a bath?
Nothing in particular. I am pretty content right now. Maybe to have one more of those ginger cookies from Blue Bottle Coffee.
What is the difference between a wish and a hope?
A… The Drums shirt. HEH.
OH, I recently discovered honey mustard. AND WOW? WOW????
More time to finish this post because I’ll be boarding soon.
A nap!
Pressed for time. Lalalala, this is turning out to be a disappointing post, I am sorry.
Zadie Smith’s Find Your Beach