This was probably my favorite trip to Baguio, even though I was stupidly sick. (That’s a thing, right?) Usually, we’ll make the typical rounds around Session Road and the John Hay area, but this time around, we were actually visiting Nona and her dogs, aka Noah’s doggy family. She drove us to all her favorite places and at some point, we ended up in Bubbles’ house, which is so freaking beautiful, like a more sullen and industrial Cullen house, complete with super nice art, a dehydrator and a nest of a forest surrounding it.
I have a shit ton of photographs, which is usually an indication of me loving a place. I don’t think I’m going to write a lot about this trip. I’ll let the photos (the whole lot of them, sorry in advance for your internet heh) do the talking. Some are from my camera and the others are from my phone—I trust you know which ones are which, but please feel free to ask if you have any particular questions about anything.
Noah used to pick on him a lot.
And this is Ella, Noah’s sister. He has another sister (Sparky) and a brother (Mochi), but they live in Manila with their own new families.
And of course, here is Noah. :)
I was sick and my only companion was a Belle & Sebastian record while they were all out for dinner. Well, that and the dogs.