Month: July 2014

“After Sir,” Elaine Navas at Finale

Ahhh, one of my favorite shows so far! Probably out of bias—no, just kidding. Elaine Navas is an amazing painter, and for her latest show at Finale, she took on the Tall Gallery and created a tribute to the late Roberto Chabet, who was her mentor and became her close friend. Called “After Sir,” the […]

My 10 Favorite YA Books & Series

As much as I kind of hate to admit it, this list was kind of difficult to make. I’ve been reading for most of my life, and for most of the time I spent reading, I have devoured books of the Young Adult persuasion. It’s not really a secret—I don’t really think it’s something to […]

On Gathered Narratives

I realized that I never even wrote about Gathered Narratives, the group show I had in June with my… um, family. It wrapped up on the 5th, so it’s not like you can still see it, but I’ve always been kind of persistent with documenting things, even if they memories come a little bit (or […]

Capsule Book Reviews No. 2: BookTubeAThon

Ho! I joined a YouTube challenge called the Book-Tube-A-Thon, which is the baby of a Readathon and BookTube, YouTube book vlogger community. This was mostly a failure on my part because a) I read just 4 books, and b) I didn’t even get to vlog for the entire duration because we lost power. And also […]